Lauren's Lifestyle

Beauty Travel Wellness

Review: Palmer's Coconut Oil Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

You know when you're in the queue waiting to pay, and there's always those products in the till isles that catch you eye? Well.. this is one of those products. This product was picked up in the queue in Superdrug! I gave it a try and here are my thoughts on it:

When I initially got the product out of my drawer to try, I was a bit confused on how to not get conditioner everywhere. I have never died my hair either so I wasn't sure how to go about this, but I decided to make a towel cape and it worked perfectly!

When I was taking the product out,  I thought that there would be too much product since I have short hair, but I think that's because I don't us much conditioner when I wash my hair. However, it turns out there was a perfect amount. I would say, however, that if you have long hair then the mask might only cover the ends/bottom section of your hair, but I'm sure that will work great too.

I love the scent of coconut. I have coconut shampoo and body lotion so it's safe to say that I was inclined to buy the product because of the scent. However, if you are like my sister and hate anything that smells of coconut then perhaps this isn't the product for you, as the scent is lovely but strong.

How to use:
The instructions say the mask is to be left on for 10-20 minutes - I guess it depends on how much time you have to spare. I have recently been loving pampering mornings instead of pampering evenings so on this particular morning I could spend 20 minutes.

The good
-As I said before, the scent is super lovely! I love coconut.
-It was super easy to use, and 10-20 minutes isn't too long.
-The price - it was only £1 which is nice for a little treat.
-Palmer's is a cruelty-free company and does not conduct product tests on animals.
-It did feel like a nice treat for my hair. It was relaxing sitting with it in for sure.

The not-so good
-I wouldn't say my hair felt that nourished after I rinsed it out. You know when you use a great conditioner and in the shower, your hair feels like silk? I was expected to have that but I didn't - thought that might just be my hair type.

I do think it's worth the money. For £1 it's a great treat for your hair. Yes, it might not be as great as a more expensive hair mask but that's what is to be expected. It smells great and did my hair some good too! I'd definitely purchase one (or one similar) in the future when my hair needs a pick me up!

Where can I buy it? 
You can purchase it here: Link

What are your favourite hair masks? Let me know in the comments below.
Bye for now,
Lauren xx


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