Lauren's Lifestyle

Beauty Travel Wellness

Home for the holidays / End of semester reflection

It feels like yesterday I started my first semester at university, but already I am home for Christmas! So much has changed within the past few months, and I feel quite pleased with the progress that I have made - for example, I now make myself proper dinners like a grown up!

When I first moved into my flat at Lucia Foster Welch Halls, I thought I would feel homesick the moment my parents left, but I think excitement over ruled that for the first few weeks. It wasn't until I visited home for the first time that I realised how homesick I was. Luckily, the homesickness did start to get easier, and I started to accept Southampton as my second home. I made my room feel cosy (You can see my previous blog post on how I did that) and my lovely flatmates made me feel at home.

My flat mates are the best. I feel like we have known each other a lot longer than the short period time that we have.


Upon arriving home I was told that I was working for 12 days in a row, and believe me I wasn't sure I could handle 8 1/2 hours a day for 12 days! Buuut somehow I managed it! For those of you who don't know, prior to my move to Southampton I worked for a family in their sweet shop for 5 years, and at Christmas time I worked in their Christmas shops also. Here's a glimpse of what I have been staring at for the past 12 days;

Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas holidays and is eating their bodyweight in chocolate. :)

Bye for now, Lauren


  1. Your blog looks so professional! I've no clue how to design mine haha it's so gooood! And your content is cool too. Nice to see what other people get up to.. Hope you're enjoying Journalism!

    1. Aw thank you! :) I am loving my course, hope you are too! I'm so jealous you can study in such a beautiful city!


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