Lauren's Lifestyle

Beauty Travel Wellness

An HONEST review of Slendertoxtea Teatox*

Having tried other teatoxes before (such as Bootea) I was up for trying another - this time it was the Slendertoxtea Teatox. I received the 14 day teatox which included 14 day teatox teabags, and 7 sleeptox tea bags. 

The teabags are to be brewed for 2-3 minutes in warm but not boiling water. 

The tea is meant to:
  • Increase Energy
  • Increase Metabolism
  • Reduce Bloating
  • Aid Weight Loss
I'm a firm believer in leaving an honest review, and this one is just that. The side effects were too horrible for me to want to complete the 14 days. Here's why:

(It does get a bit gross so here's your warning) 

On the website it does say this:  "The only real noticeable side effects you may get from the Slender Teatox are those associated with a laxative effect, these can include cramping and increased visits to the bathroom but should not include diarrhea, vomiting, severe cramping or dizziness." - bear this in mind when I explain my symptoms.

Side Effects
DAY 1:  Within a few hours of taking the first tea I had a horrible feeling in my stomach - much like if you've got a tummy bug. I decided that it was probably just the result of the 'cleansing of my colon' and powered through. 
A few hours later though I had an upset stomach which lasted all day. I knew this was not a good thing and looked online. I read on the Slendertoxtea website that the tea may result in a laxitive effect and so I decided that what was happening must be normal. 

DAY 2: I woke up feeling god damn awful - much like the day before. Luckily I had started the teatox on a Friday so didn't have to leave my flat. Today was the day I also took the Sleeptox in the evening. 

DAY 3: The cramps were horrendous, i've never felt pain like it. It was close to really bad period pains but higher up in your stomach. I also couldn't eat anything without going to the toilet straight after (Yes, I know that's gross but I said I'd be honest.) I decided to go back to the website for advice as I knew what I was experiencing was not ok. The website said this: "Depending on the intensity of these side effects you can adjust the strength of your Slendertox Tea by soaking the teabag for less time than usual."- I decided to brew the tea for around 30 seconds the next day. 

DAY 4: I brewed the tea bag for 30 seconds in the morning, but I was scared the whole day that the pain would come back. Then I realised- why am I doing this to my body?!

It's because of this that I decided to stop the teatox on the 4th day in. It's not ok for me to be putting my body through something it's not comfortable with. I think I must be allergic to one of the ingredients in the tea and that's why my body reacted so bad.

I have been putting off writing this review as I never want to make a company look bad. However, I was sent the product for an honest review and here it is. 

I'm not saying that you shouldn't do this teatox, but I would recommend you only brew the tea for around a minute on the first day - just to see how your body reacts to it. (it's something I wish they put on the back of the packet) Just because my body reacted bad to it doesn't mean the same will happen to everyone else - the teatox has helped many others in loosing weight!

Thanks for reading, 

Lauren xx


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